Ministry Goals

The Goals of Reaching The Heart Ministries are:

  • To equip Pastors, Lay people and anyone that is interested to come along side couples, individuals and children to bring them to freedom, from Spiritual and Emotional Issues.

  • To train Churches / Groups in the Caring for the Heart counseling model, to help those hurting emotionally from fear, anxiety and depression, by Mentoring/Discipling them.

  • To teach Churches / Groups how they can assist others to re-establish relationships with parents, spouse, children, church members and others.

  • To help Churches / Groups become aware of the spiritual warfare that is a reality in each of our lives and our need for a relationship with God

  • To hold Seminars and Educational classes for Churches / Groups, teaching them how to:

                    i. Identify & Resolve Spiritual Issues

                    ii. Identify & Resolve Emotional Issues

                    iii. Identify & Resolve Abuse Issues

                    iv. Identify & Resolve Pressure Patterns

  • To come to your Church / Group and teach a Pre-marital Seminar


Please click on the Workshops / Seminars button for a list of Seminars, Workshops and Specialized Classes that we currently offer.